
Update History (iPhone/iPad):

iPhone/iPad ... macOS

(newest first)

Version 4.0.1

TelepaText adds app display styles and background image support for more power to customize the visual environment for reading and editing text documents.

Other updates:

Version 3.18.0

TelepaText gets fully expanded keyboard support and new app display styles:

Version 3.17.0

TelepaText gets a new set of app display styles from light to dark!

Version 3.16.12

Version 3.16.11

TelepaText gets improvements and bug fixes.

Version 3.16.10

Version 3.16.8

Bug fixes and modernization:

Version 3.16.7

Version 3.16.6

Version 3.16.5

Version 3.16.4

Version 3.16.3

TelepaText gets a directory view speed improvement and a minor navigation bug fix.

Version 3.16.2

TelepaText gets a few small updates:



where "path" and "filename" are the folders and files you are linking to.

Version 3.16.0

TelepaText gets good speed and interface improvements for the search bar in the directory listing view, making it easier and faster to find documents in your collection.

Version 3.15.1

Version 3.15.0

TelepaText gets new keyboard support for navigating and opening documents on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch! Use a Bluetooth keyboard with TelepaText to access these useful keyboard shortcuts:

New Directory view keyboard shortcuts:

File commands (on iOS)

New document — Command N

Open — Command O

Open from Files - Shift Command O

The following document selection shortcuts will select a document, highlighting it. Then use the Open (Command O) shortcut to open the selected document.

Line down - Command ]

Line Up - Command [

Page Down - Shift Command ]

Page Up - Shift Command [

Home - Option Shift Command [

End - Option Shift Command ]

View by name — Command 1

View by date modified — Command 2

View by date created — Command 3

View by size — Command 4

Close - Command W

Find - Command F

Document editing (on iOS)

Edit Mode - Command E

When first opening a document, it is in viewing mode. To enter Edit Mode, press Command E, and the document will go into edit mode with the insertion point blinking at the top of the document.

Line Down - Command ]

Line Up - Command [

Page Down - Shift Command ]

Page Up - Shift Command [

Home - Option Shift Command [

End - Option Shift Command ]

Close - Command W

Find - Command F

Find Again - Command G

Settings shortcuts (on iOS)

Line down - Command ]

Line Up - Command [

Close - Command W

Check out the full Keyboard Shortcuts in TelepaText - File Commands - TelepaText Guide - Keyboard Shortcuts.

Using an iPhone or iPad with a Bluetooth keyboard such as the Apple Magic Keyboard is a great way to get some reading and writing done. Sit up straight, set up the keyboard at elbow height, and set up the iPhone or iPad at eye height. Good posture is healthy! This is a nice light setup for traveling readers and writers.

Version 3.14.0

txt text rtf vcf c a p r y pw java js l cp cpp mm m h pch sh swift metal mtl obj xcodeproject xcconfig storyboard entitlements pbxproj pbxuser mode1v3 xcdatamodeld sdef md markdown xml xsd mod dtd ent xsl xls xpr spp htm html xhmtl css rss atom applescript scpt scptd pl cgi php phps fs vs json plist opml csv tsv yaml ini nib xib strings

Version 3.13.2

Version 3.13.1

TelepaText gets improvements and bug fixes:

Version 3.13.0

TelepaText gets improved Widgets:

The related TelepaText app for macOS also supports Widgets.

Version 3.12.2

TelepaText gets a new Share action, "Add to TelepaText" for use in other apps to send some selected text into the TelepaText app for reading, text-to-speech, editing and organizing.


Additional features:

Version 3.11.4

Improvement and bug fix for the Find and Replace action in the text editing view.

Version 3.11.3

TelepaText gets a few minor text-to-speech improvements and bug fixes.

Version 3.11.2

Version 3.11.1

Version 3.11.0

TelepaText now supports Widgets for iOS 14 and later:

Version 3.10.2

TelepaText gets a speed optimization, and a bug fix:

Version 3.10.1

TelepaText improves Spotlight search capability:

Version 3.10.0

TelepaText gets new Home screen quick actions:

Version 3.9.3

Version 3.9.2

TelepaText gets improvements, a bug fix and an elaboration of the tap gestures in the text view

One-finger single-tap — places the blinking insertion point at the tapped point.

One-finger double-tap — selects the word at the tapped point.

One-finger single-tap and hold, pause, then drag — moves the insertion point.

One-finger double-tap and hold, pause, then drag — selects the word at the tapped point and then extends the selection to the touch release point.

Two-finger single-tap — selects the tapped paragraph.

Two-finger double-tap — starts text-to-speech at the tapped paragraph.

Version 3.9.1

Version 3.9.0

TelepaText gets some great new features and a bug fix.

New keyboard shortcuts for users with external keyboards:

Directory view shortcuts:

Editor view shortcuts:

Version 3.8.12

Version 3.8.11

TelepaText gets text-to-speech improvements and bug fixes:

Version 3.8.10

TelepaText gets text-to-speech improvements and bug fixes.

Version 3.8.9

TelepaText gets text-to-speech improvements for numeric unit and measurement abbreviations, which helps when using TelepaText to listen to technical and scientific texts. We do a lot of that here at Imaja!

Version 3.8.8

TelepaText gets bug fixes for toolbar behavior during text-to-speech transitions and speech feedback (an option in Settings).

Version 3.8.7

TelepaText gets text-to-speech improvements and bug fixes.

Version 3.8.6

TelepaText improvements for text-to-speech:

Version 3.8.5

New TelepaText feature and bug fixes:

Version 3.8.4

TelepaText is updated with improvements and bug fixes:

Feature review:

Version 3.8.3

TelepaText is updated with new text-to-speech and Siri Shortcut improvements:

Version 3.8.1

TelepaText is updated a couple of bug fixes. See the previous update info for details on the new Siri Shortcuts support and Evaluate action enhancement.

Version 3.8.0

TelepaText is updated with Siri Shortcuts, Evaluate action improvements, text-to-speech and interface improvements, and minor bug fixes:

Tutorial with screenshots: How to use Siri Shortcuts for TelepaText for iPhone and iPad

These improvements allow for addition of numbers in free-form text interspersed with numbers, such as a grocery list:

apples 5 oranges 6 kale 2 = 13

( apples 5 oranges 6 kale 2 ) * 1.0975 = 14.2675

A simple sequence of numbers is added with the Evaluate action:

1000 500 20 5 = 1525

Version 3.7.3

TelepaText is updated with minor improvements and bug fixes for text-to-speech.

Version 3.7.2

Minor bug fixes for text-to-speech.

Version 3.7.1

TelepaText is updated with improved text-to-speech:

** Speech Commands are an In-App Purchase.

Version 3.7.0

TelepaText is updated with improved document management and text-to-speech, and minor bug fixes.

Version 3.6.0

TelepaText updated with significant iCloud syncing improvements, and other text-to-speech improvements:

Version 3.5.2

TelepaText improvements:

Version 3.5.1

Version 3.5

TelepaText gets new improvements, iOS 13 and Dark Mode support, and bug fixes:

** Speech commands are an In-App Purchase that let one control the TelepaText app with speech commands for various actions.

Version 3.4.3

TelepaText improvements and bug fixes:

Version 3.4.2

TelepaText improvements and bug fixes:

Version 3.4.1

TelepaText gets a new option in Settings, and other improvements and minor adjustments:

Version 3.4.0

TelepaText gets a few user interface and performance improvements:

The Actions view in the document editing view is now displays actions based on whether text is selected or not. Some Actions are available all the time, while others require some text to be selected as the object for the action. Some actions will operate on the entire document OR selected text, such as the E-mail, Word Usage, or Word Types.

Note #1: iTunes File Sharing recap:

To add and remove text documents and folders of documents into the TelepaText local storage on the device, one can use the iTunes app on macOS. In iTunes on macOS, tap the device icon button in the top left, choose the device, and then tap File Sharing in the Settings section in the left column of the device display. Choose TelepaText in the File Sharing Apps listing and the documents and folders stored in TelepaText local storage are displayed. Use drag and drop or the Add button to add documents or folders. Use drag and drop or the Save button to save documents and folders from TelepaText to macOS. Use the delete key to delete selected items in the iTunes File Sharing - TelepaText Documents listing. The text filename extensions recognized by TelepaText are ( txt text md c mm m h xml htm html json swift plist ).

Version 3.3.1

New feature:

Version 3.3

New Handoff support, other improvements and bug fixes.

Version 3.2.3

Improvements and bug fixes:

Version 3.2.2

Version 3.2.1

Improvements and a bug fix for text-to-speech abbreviation pronunciation.

Version 3.2.0

TelepaText gets a few improvements and bug fixes, modernizing the interface for better interaction.

Version 3.1.2

An information update about other Imaja apps in the App Store, and a bug fix:

Version 3.1.1

New feature and bug fixes:

Minor bug fixes:

TelepaText is useful for storing and listening to text documents with text-to-speech for research, education, business, entertainment, news, and more. Use iTunes > iTunes File Sharing > TelepaText to move text documents and folders of text documents directly into your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch into the TelepaText local Documents directory.

Version 3.1

New document name Search feature and Spotlight search bug fixes and usage clarification:

Version 3.0.1

Bug fixes.

Version 3.0

New features:

Added support for the remote control of the text-to-speech via the earphones buttons:

Add Use Remote Control option to Settings. This enables the app for using the remote control on the earphones.

The Control Center audio controls can also be used to play or pause, skip to previous paragraph, or skip to next sentence.

The Control Center can be opened with a swipe up from the bottom edge of the iPhone or iPad screen.

The lock screen also includes these audio controls.

The audio controls in Control Center and the lock screen show the title and current sentence being spoken by TelepaText.

Improved the speech controls popup view with icon buttons for Stop Play/Pause, Previous and Next. The Previous button restarts speaking from the previous paragraph. The Next button skips to the next sentence.

The Settings action is now at the top of the Actions view.

New option in Settings: Use background texture. The background texture (a subtle gray paper texture) can be turned on and off. The related Display Style action in the Actions view toggles between dark and light styles.

Improved speech visualizer:

Several of these options are also included in the upcoming TelepaText app update for macOS.

Minor bug fixes

Version 2.11.3

Improved speech visualizer and text-to-speech behavior and fixed glitches for older versions of iOS.

Version 2.11.2

Improved speech visualizer and text-to-speech behavior and fixed glitches.

Version 2.11.1

Version 2.11

TelepaText adds a new visualizer for text-to-speech!

We listen to a lot of awesome Wikipedia pages, so this is quite helpful. The Sentence pause feature is essential for controlling the pace of the speech, where a longer pause may be generally desirable for listening to and comprehending educational or technical content. This extra pause after each sentence gives the listener more time to process and comprehend each sentence, particularly useful in listening to complex, dense material.


Text-to-speech and speech commands improvements, bug fixes:

** Speech commands are an In-App Purchase that let one control the TelepaText app with speech commands for various actions.


Improvements and bug fixes.

• Added option for "Recent documents limit" in TelepaText Settings view. This controls how many recently opened documents are displayed in the File Commands view, ranging from 0 to 20.

• Smooth scrolling will stop momentarily if one scrolls manually.

• Smooth scrolling will stop when the keyboard appears and the document enters editing mode.

• Fixed bug in opening a document from the recent documents at the top of the file commands view.

• Fixed bug for Markdown view not appearing.

• Fixed bug in pausing text-to-speech.


• Enhanced In-App Purchase experience for Speech Commands module.


Expanded text-to-speech language support and bug fixes:


Enhancement and bug fix:


Enhancements and bug fix:

Version 2.9

New support for Markdown: Three new actions in the Actions view convert the current Markdown text document or selection:

Markdown support is supported in both the iPhone/iPad and macOS versions of TelepaText.

Version 2.8.3

New features and bug fixes:
• New speech commands *:
[Say | show] colors [that match | matching] (phrase)
• Fixed bugs with speech commands and custom URL handling for telepatext://...
• Fixed a glitch in the Speech Commands Reference text.

* Speech Commands are an In-App Purchase.
See for details on the Speech Commands for TelepaText for iPhone, iPad, and macOS.

Version 2.8.2

New features and bug fix:
• Search for movies with this new speech command*: Internet movie database search (phrase)
• Modernized the handler for speech command "Flickr search (phrase)"
• Added recent documents to the File Commands view for quick access to recently opened documents. The number of documents is controlled by the Today widget settings in the Settings view.
• New icon for the document actions button in the upper right of the editor view to distinguish it from the File commands button in the documents directory view.
* Speech Commands are an In-App Purchase.
See for details on the Speech Commands for TelepaText for iPhone, iPad, and macOS.

Version 2.8.1

New feature: Paragraph spacing.
• Added paragraph spacing option in Settings view. This value is relative to the font size. 0.0 means no extra paragraph spacing. 1.0 means the paragraph spacing is the same as the font size. This option lets one see paragraphs more easily, and eliminates the need for two Return characters between paragraphs to create a blank line visually.

Version 2.8

Big speed improvements and new speech commands:
The TelepaText text editing app for iPhone and iPad has been optimized for speed, and has much better responsiveness for user actions while the app is updating file listings after iCloud document changes.
New Speech Commands* have been added to TelepaText. The innovative TelepaText speech commands feature provides ways to use the app using spoken phrases for text editing, search and replace, file navigation and management, changing settings, and more.
New speech commands:
• Replace (phrase1) with (phrase2)
This powerful speech command makes it much easier to do basic search and replace of text in the current document.
• [display | show] [font | fonts | word usage | word types]
Add speech commands to display the Word Usage or Word Types views.
• The "Open document (phrase)" speech command can open any file in the iCloud file system. TelepaText will open the first document that matches the phrase, or the first document that contains the phrase.

• Minor interface improvements.

* Speech Commands are an In-App Purchase.

Version 2.7.1

• Minor interface improvements.
• Updated icons for other apps from Imaja: TelepaText, Perspectiva, and CalReader.

Version 2.7

User interface improvement:
• The Settings view items are now reorganized and grouped into sections with headers.

Version 2.6.2

Faster and better.
• Speed improvement: The iCloud document listing views will appear much faster now. Also, navigation through different iCloud folders is faster.
• The "Open document" speech command now can open any file in the iCloud file system, not just in the current subdirectory. TelepaText will open the first document that matches the name. Speech commands are an In-App Purchase.

Version 2.6.1

Bug fix:
• Fixed sporadic crash that could occur when opening a document while the file listing view was being updated.

Version 2.6

New features and updated for iOS 10:
• New text-to-speech feature: Now you can select a particular voice for text-to-speech in TelepaText Settings > Speech voice. Voices available in iOS are used, and the enhanced quality voices will be used if available and downloaded. To download enhanced voices, go to iOS Settings > General > Accessibility > Speech > Voices > Language and download what is available.
• Added keyboard shortcuts for more actions and added 'discoverability' view for iOS 9 or later. If using an external keyboard, hold the Command key for a moment and the key command legend appears showing the available keyboard shortcuts.
• Updated for iOS 10. Updated style of the Today widget for TelepaText.

Version 2.5.1

• Added Select All menu action in Word Usage and Word Types views, making it easy to share reports.
• Improved the Word Types action report layout and information. The most common word types are listed first with the number of words for that type, and the list of words for that type. Also included is the text in sequence with the word type for each word.
• Streamlined document listing by adding option in Settings: Show item location in directory.
• Added info and links for other Imaja apps for iPhone, iPad, and macOS: Speak News, TaskInsight, Perspectiva, CalReader and Astral Blossom.
• Fixed bug in startup display of local directory.

Version 2.5

New features and bug fixes.
• Improved Today widget with controls in Settings.
Options: Number of items, Visible number of items, Number of detail lines, and Transition Interval.
The new Today Widget displays an auto-scrolling list of recently opened documents. This makes it much easier to work with recent documents from anywhere on your device.
• Improved Today widget item display and auto-scrolling.
• Improved the Word Usage action report layout.

Version 2.4.3

New features and bug fixes.
• New Today Widget displays an auto-scrolling list of recently opened documents. This makes it much easier to work with recent documents from anywhere on your device.
To add the TelepaText Today Widget:
- Swipe down from the top edge of the screen to open the Today view.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Today view and tap Edit.
- Tap the green + button next to TelepaText to add it to the set of active widgets.
- Use the drag control on the right side to reorder Today widgets as desired.
- Tap Done to confirm the changes.
To use the TelepaText Today widget:
- Swipe down from the top edge of the screen to open the Today view.
- The TelepaText Today widget displays the 3 most recent documents, and then cycling through the 20 most recent.
- Tap a document to open the document in TelepaText.
• New options in Settings:
- Speech volume
- Mix speech with other audio. This lets the TelepaText speech function operate without turning off background music or other audio.
• Scroll indicator flashes when using Find to indicate where in the document the text was found.
• Fixed bug in Find action so first found text is properly displayed when found.

Version 2.4.2

Bug fix:
• Creating new local files in nested directories was failing.

Version 2.4

New features, minor improvements and bug fixes.
• TelepaText supports a new type of URL to open documents in the local Documents or iCloud documents directories. Note: Either "icloud" or "iCloud" can be used. Spaces in path or file names should be escaped with %20.
• Added support for reading the text editing view with the iOS Accessibility system. Use the two-finger swipe down from top edge of the screen to have Accessibility read the text document, using word highlighting and providing the Accessibility controls view. This is in addition to the Speak action in TelepaText, a way to use text to speech.
• The "Use interface sounds", "Use link detection", and "Use data detection" settings are now properly restored.
• Improved state restoration when restarting the app.
• Fixed bug in speech command (In-App Purchase): "Wikipedia search <phrase>" now properly opens Wikipedia web page or app and includes user's current language code in Wikipedia URL.

Version 2.3.3

Minor improvements.
• Improved state restoration when restarting the app.

Version 2.3.2

Performance improvements and bug fixes.
• Updated Wikipedia search action to properly handle user's local language.
• Improved speed of directory updates.
• Eliminate spurious duplicate directory items in listing.

Version 2.3.1

Improved app startup performance. Bug fixes.

Version 2.3

New features and bug fixes:
• On iPhone or iPod touch, use a two-finger tap in the text view to select an entire paragraph.
• Find and replace text fields now have clear buttons on iPhone and iPad touch.
• Added new speech commands (Speech Commands are an In-App Purchase):
[ lowercase | capitalize | uppercase ]
• Find button in Find and Replace view now properly scrolls to found text.
• Keyboard accessory now properly hiding on iPad.
• Status bar is now properly visible on iPad when using Dark Style.

Version 2.2

New features and bug fixes.
• Configurable keyboard accessory keys:
The keys can be configured in Actions > Settings > Kbd. acc. keys. The default is:
- / : ; ( ) # $ & @ ? ! ' "
Enter the desired characters or words for each keyboard accessory key, separated by spaces. Long words will be truncated by the width of the keyboard key.
• New option in Settings: Hide keyboard on Smooth Scroll.
• Improved the option Should Hide Directory In Landscape Orientation on iPad.
• Fixed occasional crash bug on opening documents.

Version 2.1

New features and improvements:
• Added Word Usage action to calculate word usage counts for the selection or document.
• Added Word Types action to diplay the part of speech for each word in the selection or document.
• Fixed missing launch screen.
• Directory listing updates are improved.
• Expanding on the innovative Speech Commands feature:
New speech commands added to Speech Commands (an In-App Purchase):

make link with command <phrase>
[say | speak | read | get | show | display] colors
set [text | background] color <colorname>
[make | set] [text | background] [darker | brighter]
set [text | background] [hue | saturation | brightness | alpha] <0to1value>
[get | show | display] [text | background] color
[display | show] [font | fonts]

• Added Custom URL Scheme to handle commands from URLs in speech command format :
URLs can be used to launch TelepaText and perform commands in TelepaText. The supported commands are in the Speech Commands format.

The URL always starts with: telepatext://
followed by speechcommand= (or the shortcut cmd=)
and the speech command phrase.
The spaces in the speech commands must be replaced with -, _, or %20 in TelepaText URLs.


In this example, the speech command is "show commands":



See the Speech Commands Reference for details on the phrase structure of commands.

There is a speech command to help make URL links for TelepaText: "make link with command <phrase>".

Say "make link with command show fonts" and the following link will be created:

Version 2.0.2

• Fixes spurious open document crashes on iOS 9.
• Fixes bug with keyboard in Settings view.
• Fixes bug where iCloud preference alert was not appearing in iOS 9 on first startup of the app.
Additional features in 2.0:
• Updated for iOS 9 compatibility.
• Added new actions, modernized navigation and interface, and added Speech Commands (In-App Purchase).
• Speech Commands let you control TelepaText with your voice. Use speech commands to select text, open documents, get info about documents, rename documents, query various web search engines, evaluate expressions, change settings, send tweets, insert a contact's address, phone, or email, insert the date or time, uppercase, lowercase, capitalize, and many more actions. (Speech Commands are an In-App Purchase. Requires Dictation capability on your iOS device)

Version 2.0.1

• Updated for iOS 9 compatibility.
• Added new text Actions: Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalize to Actions view.
• Fixes spurious open document crashes on iOS 9.

App Store description for 2.0

Added new actions, modernized navigation and interface, and added Speech Commands (In-App Purchase).

Speech Commands let you control TelepaText with your voice. Use speech commands to select text, open documents, get info about documents, rename documents, query various web search engines, evaluate expressions, change settings, send tweets, insert a contact's address, phone, or email, insert the date or time, uppercase, lowercase, capitalize, and many more actions. (Speech Commands are an In-App Purchase. Requires Dictation capability on your iOS device)

• Updated for iOS 9 compatibility.
• Fixes bugs.

Version 2.0

• Added support for iTunes File Sharing. In iTunes, the user can access an app's shared files from the File Sharing section of the Apps tab for the selected device. From this tab, users can add and remove files from the directory. On the device, the shared files appear in the Documents (local) directory (folder). This is useful for users who are not using iCloud.
• Added Speech Commands.
• Numerous modernizations of naviation, animation, etc.

Version 1.1

New toolbar on iPhone. Bug fixes.
• New toolbar on iPhone and iPod touch to choose Actions for the text document.
• Performing a Web Search action on a multi-line selection of text is now working.
• Improved Speech controls view behavior for Speak action.
• The Smooth Scroll action now hides the keyboard if visible.

Version 1.0.4

Improved Speak function (text-to-speech) and support for Dictation (speech-to-text).
• Speak function now continues when the app moves to the background continues with the Silent switch set to silent or when the screen locks.
• Improved Speech Controls popup view design, less obtrusive.
• Dictation (speech-to-text) into the text editing view is now supported on Siri-capable iPhones and iPads. Press the microphone key on the keyboard to start dictation. You will see the audio waveform while in dictation mode. Dictate the desired words and punctuation and tap Done. The text will be inserted at the insertion point or replace selected text in the current text document.

Version 1.0.3

User interface improvements and bug fixes.
• Improved keyboard display when starting to edit a document.
• Improved Document Info with more details.
• Improved Speak action.
• Fixed an obscure bug in Twitter action.


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iPad / iPhone
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Copyright © 2016-2025 Imaja — TelepaText is a trademark of Imaja. All rights reserved.
Mac, macOS, OS X, iPhone, iPad, iMac and MacBook Pro are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.