(macOS Speech Commands info is here)
Speech Commands let you control TelepaText with your voice. Use the Dictation key on the keyboard to speak commands to perform various actions in the app. Speech Commands are an In-App purchase for both iPhone/iPad and macOS versions of TelepaText. Note: There are differences in the Speech Command functionality between macOS and iPhone; see the reference below or in each app for details. See Using Speech in TelepaText for an introduction to Speech functions. See the video How to do web searches with Speech Commands in TelepaText for more.
What can i say
How do i use speech commands
Say next <n> [ paragraphs | blocks ]
Select <phrase>
Select sentence <phrase>
Select paragraph <phrase>
Find <phrase>
Replace <phrase1> with <phrase2>
Tweet <phrase>
Tweet this [ line | paragraph ]
[ Lowercase | capitalize | uppercase ] <phrase>
Evaluate <expression>
Evaluate this [ line | paragraph ]
Insert [ date | time | date and time | clipboard]
Append clipboard
Insert [ address | phone | email] for <name>
[ Say | speak | read ] [ documents | folders | info | settings | speech]
Print document
Open document <phrase>
Rename this document <phrase>
Go to the [ top | bottom | middle ]
[ Change | dark | light ] style
[ Get | say ] info
[ Start | stop ] scrolling
Scroll [ faster | slower ]
Make text [ larger | smaller | small | large | normal ]
[ Make | set ] font size <number>
[ say | speak | read | get | show | display ] colors
set [ text | background ] color <colorname>
[ make | set ] [ text | background ] [ darker | brighter ]
set [ text | background ] [ hue | saturation | brightness | alpha ] <0to1value>
[ get | show | display ] [ text | background ] color
[ display | show ] [ font | fonts | word usage | word types ]
<Dictated text> cancel that
Make link with command <phrase>
[ Wikipedia | Web | Map ] search <phrase>
[ Google image | Flickr | Yahoo | Bing | Ask ] search <phrase>
[ Thesaurus | Dictionary | Wolfram Alpha | Apple developer ] search <phrase>
[ YouTube | Cora | Unicode character ] search <phrase>
[ Google news | Google book | Twitter | EBay ] search <phrase>
[ Web M.D. | Pub Med | Health Finder | Health Line ] search <phrase>
Internet movie database search <phrase>
Say settings
Turn keyboard accessory [ off | on ]
Make speech speed [ slow | normal | fast | slower | faster ]
Turn sentence delay [ off | on ]
Turn linebreak delay [ off | on ]
Set speech delay <number>
Turn speak upon opening [ off | on ]
Turn feedback [ off | on ]
[ Show | get | display ] [ speech | info | settings | font ]
[ Say | show ] [ speech | commands ]
Say all [ speech | commands ]
[ Show | clear ] log
Note: Use one of the words in brackets [ ] to complete a phrase. Replace the phrase in angle brackets <phrase> with the desired phrase.
This describes how to use the Speech Commands in TelepaText to perform various actions in the app.
Example: Tap in the text of a document on a blank line, then tap the Dictation button in the bottom toolbar. The keyboard will appear. Tap the Dictation key on the keyboard and say "show commands". Then tap Done and the Speech Commands Reference appears.
On iPhone or iPad, speech commands use the dictation system (if available) in the text editing view.
To learn about speech commands on the iPhone, say "what can I say", or "show commands".
Be sure to have a blinking insertion point in the text first. Then tap the dictation key on the keyboard and speak the desired command. You will see the command inserted in the text view as you dictate. Tap Done at the bottom of the screen, and the command will be performed. In some cases, the command text will be removed from the text view, and in other cases the command text or command result will be inserted in the text.
Tapping the Dictation button in the bottom toolbar before performing a speech command ensures that the dictated command will not be left in the document if it is not recognized. If text is selected, then the selection is changed to an insertion point at the beginning of the original selection. Also, starting dictation with text selected will replace the selection with the result of the dictation. This could be a problem, so we use the Dictation button in the toolbar to indicate that we are starting a speech command in the next dictation.
Select <phrase>
Select sentence <phrase>
Select paragraph <phrase>
Find <phrase>
Say [ documents | folders ]
Print document
Open document <phrase>
Rename this document <phrase>
To send the selected paragraph as a tweet, tap the speech commands button in the toolbar or the dictation key in the keyboard. Then say "tweet this paragraph".
Tweet We have a great new version of our iPhone text editing and actions app coming out!
This section of search speech commands includes a complete list of examples for each of the searches currently provided by TelepaText.
Search commands start with the name of the site to search, followed by the word "search", followed by the phrase to search for.
Web search sea level rise
Google images search chameleon rainforest
Apple developer search collection view controller
Yahoo search sports news
Flickr search bamboo house
To search Quora.com, say:
Cora search computer language evolution
Bing search real estate accounting
Ask search health air pollution
Thesaurus search action
Dictionary search corpus
YouTube search Miles Davis
Wolfram Alpha search equilateral triangle
Unicode character search tree
The Unicode character search command finds Emoji characters as well.
Note: Speech Commands are an In-App Purchase. To get the Speech Commands, choose Get Speech Commands in the File Commands menu.
Note: Be sure you have cellular or WiFi service turned on for the iPhone or iPad to use dictation and the speech commands feature. Check for the Dictation key (with the microphone icon) in the onscreen keyboard. If the key is there, then your device supports dictation. If the key is disabled, then your device is not connected to the internet via cellular or WiFi. If the key is enabled, then your device is able to use dictation.
We think this speech command technology is quite useful and we will be working to improve it by expanding the vocabulary and range of actions that can be performed.
The macOS version of TelepaText also provides a powerful set of speech commands. The speech commands are not necessarily synced between the iPhone iOS version and the macOS version.
TelepaText - imaja.com/telepatext
Note: Use one of the words in brackets [ ] to complete a phrase. Replace the phrase in angle brackets
[ Show | Hide ] documents
Open <document name>
[ Parent | iCloud | Root ] folder
Say how many documents
Say the current folder
Say the document names
What can I say?
[ Display | open | show | view | close | hide ] Speech Reference
Speak text
Speak text and smooth scroll
[ Start | stop | pause | resume | continue | restart ] [ speaking | speech ]
Say the [ first | last | next | previous ] block
[ Sort | do not sort ] the speech commands
[ Hide | show ] the speech commands for windows
Make speech [ slower | faster | soft | softer | loud | louder ]
Make sentence delay [ longer | shorter ]
Turn feedback [ on | off ]
Turn line break delay [ on | off ]
Turn sentence delay [ on | off ]
Turn speak upon opening [ on | off ]
Say the open documents
Go to [ previous | next ] document
Rename document
Go to [ bottom | top ]
Move page [ up | down ]
[ Wikipedia | Web | Map ] search
Open URL
[ Mail | Twitter | Speak ] text
[ Evaluate | calculate ] [ text | selection ]
[ Show | display | get ] [ Word Usage | Word Types | Markdown ]
Clean up text
Document info
Search for [ text | selection ]
Find and replace
Find [ next | previous ]
Make [ text | font ] [ larger | smaller | tiny | normal size | large | huge ]
[ Increase | decrease ] paragraph spacing
View by [ name | date modified | date created | date opened | size | label ]
Smooth Scroll
[ Light | Dark ] style
[ More | Less ] transparent
Zoom window
Tile windows
Make window [ full screen | normal size | larger | smaller | taller | shorter | wider | narrower ]
Move window to [ left half | right half | top half | bottom half | center ]
Move window [ left | right | up | down ]
Make menu bar [ auto-hide | normal ]
[ Show | Open ] [ settings | preferences ]
Hide other applications
Show characters window
macOS Dictation on Yosemite and later also includes many additional dictation commands for editing and navigating text and more.
Dark style
Do not sort the speech commands
Document info
Find and replace
Find next
Find previous
Go to bottom
Go to next document
Go to previous document
Go to top
Hide other applications
Hide the documents
Hide the speech commands for windows
iCloud folder
Insert the speech commands listing
Less transparent
Light style
Mail text
Make menu bar auto-hide
Make menu bar normal
Make speech faster
Make speech slower
Make text huge
Make text large
Make text larger
Make text normal size
Make text small
Make text smaller
Make text tiny
Make window full screen
Make window larger
Make window narrower
Make window normal size
Make window shorter
Make window smaller
Make window taller
Make window wider
Map search
More transparent
Move window down
Move window left
Move window right
Move window to bottom half
Move window to center
Move window to left half
Move window to right half
Move window to top half
Move window up
Open Ideas and tasks
Open URL
Parent folder
Rename document
Root folder
Say how many documents
Say the current directory
Say the current folder
Say the document info
Say the document names
Say the documents
Say the first block
Say the last block
Say the next block
Say the open documents
Say the previous block
Search for selection
Search for text
Show characters window
Show the documents
Show the speech commands for windows
Show the speech reference window
Smooth scroll
Sort the speech commands
Speak text
Speak text and smooth scroll
Tile windows
Twitter text
View by date created
View by date modified
View by date opened
View by label
View by name
View by size
Web search
What can I say?
Wikipedia search
Zoom Window
To get the speech commands module for TelepaText, choose Purchase Speech Commands Module in the File menu. Once you get the speech commands installed you are ready to go.
Choose Listen For Speech Commands in the File menu to turn on the Speech Commands module.
Choose Start Dictation in the Edit menu to turn on OS X's dictation features as well.
Choose Speech Reference in the Window menu to view phrases you can say that are specific to TelepaText.
Say "Show Commands" to view the system's Dictation Commands reference window.
Speech commands provide ways to choose TelepaText actions, open documents, move, resize, zoom and tile windows, change the text size, sort the document listing, change the view settings, get information about a document, and more.
Page updated 2018-04-08
Copyright © 2016-2025 Imaja — TelepaText is a trademark of Imaja. All rights reserved.
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